Race and Equity Initiative — Granite State News Collaborative

Race and Equity Project

The Granite State News Collaborative is embarking on a new, multi-year reporting project examining race and equity in New Hampshire. We will be telling a story that is long overdue: how the diverse communities that make up New Hampshire are vital to the economic and cultural health of our state.

Community engagement

In order to do this project justice we will enlist input from our communities of color. We pledge to listen deeply, report rigorously and make solutions central to our mission. To participate in the project in any capacity, contact GSNC Director, Melanie Plenda at melanie.plenda@collaborativenh.org

Some ways you can participate include joining our community edit team, participating in community listening sessions, giving us feedback and suggesting story ideas, suggesting resources that would help us better understand our communities, applying to become a freelance reporter with the Collaborative, or sharing your own ideas of how you would like to participate.

You can also engage with us through our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


The members of the Collaborative will join together to tell a multitude of important stories as part of this project. We will highlight the stories of people of color in New Hampshire and work with them to amplify their voices. We will investigate the policies and systems in place that have had disproportionately negative impacts on communities of color. We will analyze available data that can show us where disparities exist, and we will rigorously report the impact of those disparities on our communities.

And we’ll do it all with an eye toward solutions that may help address the inequities that exist.

Our areas of focus include:

  • Policing/criminal justice

  • Economic opportunity

  • Affordable housing

  • Health

  • Education

  • Access to civic engagement

  • Environmental Justice

  • Arts, Culture and Science

Related Projects

Read and share our race and equity stories