
Am I a patriot? Yes, and you are too.

Am I a patriot? Yes, and you are too.

As football season rolls in, I’m reminded of how strongly people felt, on both sides, when some NFL players took a knee during the national anthem. I remember the feelings and opinions being so intense that it ruined friendships, dominated social media and gave the impression that these highly paid athletes, mostly Black men, were unpatriotic.

I have a different view of that.

I’m a Father. Indoors, mostly, domesticated if you will

I’m a Father. Indoors, mostly, domesticated if you will

I once lived at a place in Rhode Island that seemed to be overrun by possums and rodents. A friend brought in a cat named “Smokey,” a grayish British shorthair. Smokey had one eye missing and plenty of battle scars from his time on the street. No one knew the origin of Smokey’s missing eye, but I’d like to think that it was gangsta enough, and heartbreaking enough, to make Smokey my type of cat.

Familiar terrain: Those short cuts – that fast money – it doesn’t add up

Familiar terrain: Those short cuts – that fast money – it doesn’t add up

I can’t help but to have flashbacks when I see the growing problems in Manchester. There are more shootings than I’ve ever seen in my time in this city. Gang violence, addiction, and crime seem to have risen, while the quality of life seems to be slipping. Although still one of the better places to live, I’m optimistic about it getting better.