While the return to classes is a step towards normalcy, the university made clear that next year would not start with the status quo.
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UNH, all state colleges ‘intend’ to open to students in fall
By Staff
Leah Zarrilli right, photographs her friends and fellow senior classmates, dressed with their graduation caps, at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, Friday, May 8, 2020. Commencement ceremonies, which were scheduled for May 16, were postponed due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak. From left are Kelly Anderson, Devin Paquette, Megan Nolan and Zarrilli. The school has stated students have made it clear they want an in-person ceremony and UNH has not yet announced a date for commencement to be rescheduled. [AP Photo/Charles Krupa]
CONCORD -- The University of New Hampshire and all the colleges of the University System of New Hampshire and the Community College System of New Hampshire announced Friday they “intend to welcome students back to campuses for the fall term” amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The schools announced they are “working closely with state leaders and health professionals to develop guidelines and criteria that institutions will follow to support a safe return.”
USNH enrolls 32,000 students combined at UNH, Keene State College, Plymouth State University and Granite State College. The state’s community college system includes Great Bay Community College in Portsmouth and Rochester.
Lisa Thorne of USNH said said the announcement reflects the intentions of the schools, but they also acknowledge the pandemic creates continued uncertainty.
Read the full article.
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