The State We're In

The State We're In - Addressing School Violence

The State We're In - Addressing School Violence

Even before the pandemic, schools struggled with eruptions of violence. As the pandemic wanes, those eruptions seem even more frequent. What’s going on in schools and what can be done to help? School psychologist and consultant Dr. Nate Jones joins The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda to discuss the issues.

The State We're In - Helping Ukrainian Refugees

The State We're In - Helping Ukrainian Refugees

News updates, photos and videos coming out of Ukraine have been horrifying. Watching millions flee their homes during the fighting has been equally heartbreaking. One granite Stater studying in Europe is doing what she can to help the refugees pouring into Poland. Wolfeboro natives Rebecca Connelly and her father, Jamie, about Rebecca's work helping Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

The State We’re In - Crossover Day in the State House

The State We’re In - Crossover Day in the State House

This has been a busy week in the legislature, as both the House and the Senate wrap up their work for Crossover Day — the deadline for House bills to make their way to the Senate and Senate bills to make their way to the House. Anna Brown, the director of Research and Analysis for Citizens Count and host of the podcast “$100 Plus Mileage,” and New Hampshire Bulletin Reporter Ethan DeWitt talk with The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda about what Crossover Day is and what it means for Granite Staters.

The State We’re In - Pain at the Pump

The State We’re In - Pain at the Pump

The price of gas affects so many things beyond our ability to fill our tanks, from the cost of food to your next vacation. Gas prices have dropped a few cents a gallon in the last week. Will it continue? Or will there be more pain at the pump? Discussing the price of gas with The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda are Business NH Magazine Editor Matt Mowry and AAA of Northern New England spokesman Pat Moody.

The State We're In - Sunshine Week 2022

The State We're In - Sunshine Week 2022

It’s Sunshine Week, the annual initiative spearheaded by the News Leaders Association to educate the public on open government and the dangers of excessive secrecy. Gilles Bissonnette from the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, Right-to-Know New Hampshire’s Carla Gericke, and Concord Monitor reporter Cassidy Jensen discuss New Hampshire’s Right-to-Know Law, how it’s applied, and how it can be improved with The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda.

The State We're in - Struggling with home care

The State We're in - Struggling with home care

Like the rest of the nation, New Hampshire is facing a home care crisis. Most adults want to age at home, but experts say the current approach to providing care outside an institution is unsustainable. Granite State News Collaborative Journalist Kelly Burch, Cornerstone VNA President and CEO Julie Reynolds, and Nurse and Caregiver Jamie Villers discuss the problem and what some people are doing to address it with The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda.

The State We're In - ‘A User’s Guide to Democracy’ and why civics matters

The State We're In - ‘A User’s Guide to Democracy’ and why civics matters

The study of the rights and duties of citizenship - also known as civics - isn't something that gets a lot of attention in New Hampshire or across the country. Joining The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda are three people who are doing their part to change that and find fun ways to teach people about how the government and its institutions work: hosts of New Hampshire Public Radio Civics101 podcast Nick Capodice and Hannah McCarthy, as well as Martha Madson, the executive director for the New Hampshire Civics.

The State We're In - Lead Paint

The State We're In - Lead Paint

As part of an ongoing series about environmental justice, the Granite State News Collaborative and NH Bar News have teamed up to look at environmental challenges facing New Hampshire families. In this series of stories, the team explores why lead paint is still a problem in New Hampshire and what’s being done to clear homes of this hazard, particularly for children living in poverty. Joining The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda this week are Scott Merrill (editor at NH Bar News), Kathie Ragsdale (reporter for the Granite State News Collaborative), John Bassett (data and research editor for the Granite State News Collaborative), and Paul Cuno-Booth (reporter for the Granite State News Collaborative).

The State We're In - Year in Review

The State We're In - Year in Review

From the pandemic to our economy to schools to local government, 2021 has been a challenging year. With the release of the COVID 19 vaccines at the end of 2020, many were hopeful that the worst days of the pandemic would soon be behind us, but that's not been the case. The virus continued to dominate our lives and local headlines. Sarah Gibson (Education and Demographics reporter from New Hampshire Public Radio), Nora Doyle-Burr (Health reporter from the Valley News), and Matt Mowry (Editor of Business New Hampshire Magazine) join The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda to review some of the year’s biggest stories.