Native American heritage

Native Americans in NH: Q&A with Anne Jennison and Denise Pouliot

Native Americans in NH: Q&A with Anne Jennison and Denise Pouliot

Archeological evidence shows that indigenous people lived in New Hampshire for more than 13,000 years. 

Today, about 4,000 Granite Staters, or .3% of the state's population, identify as Native American, though actual numbers could be double that. 

The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda recently sat down to discuss the history of indigenous people in the state, and current efforts to recognize and celebrate that history and culture with  historian Anne Jennison, chair of the state's Commission on Native American Affairs and Denise Pouliot, a member of the commission and the Sag8moskwa or Head Female Speaker of the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook-Abenaki People.

'We have always been here': For New Hampshire Residents, Native American Heritage is Personal

'We have always been here': For New Hampshire Residents, Native American Heritage is Personal

During the evenings, Loudon resident Cheri Pernaw is focused on learning Abenaki, the language of her ancestors. Sometimes she attends a group with other students, and other nights she practices at home, flipping flashcards while her husband or grandchildren look at her skeptically. The language is challenging, but for Pernaw, the slow learning process is worth the hard work.

“The reason I want to learn Abekani, and I’m sticking to it, is that when I die, I want to be able to talk to my ancestors in their tongue,” said Pernaw.