The Battle Over Divisive Concepts

The Battle Over Divisive Concepts

Perhaps it's ironic — or even prophetic — that something purporting to stop so-called "divisive concepts" would be so divisive.

A lawsuit concerning these relatively new state regulations is making its way through the court system.

What are these concepts? What do they mean? And why is there a lawsuit against the state about them? In July, The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda explored these questions with NAACP President James McKim, Granite State News Collaborative Reporter Adam Drapcho, ACLU-NH Legal Director Gilles Bissonnette, and plaintiff Tina Philibotte, who serves as the Manchester School Districts Chief Equity Officer.

Granite Staters await guidance on budget provision: 'There's no clarity here other than it's scaring people'

Granite Staters await guidance on budget provision: 'There's no clarity here other than it's scaring people'

The state budget provision that opponents say puts a chill on important conversations about race has been law for a few weeks, but community members are still looking for guidance on what they call unclear language.

Educators and civil rights activists, among others, say as they await more information from the state, they are concerned the law is already leading to self-censorship in school curriculums, workplace diversity training and police implicit bias classes.