A year of growth: Granite State News Collaborative adds partners in 2019

Over this past year, the Granite State News Collaborative added several new partners and community engagement members signaling support of and commitment to solutions journalism in the state.

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In 2019, we added the following partners: The Concord Monitor, Keene Sentinel, Monadnock Ledger Transcript, Nashua Telegraph, the New Hampshire Press Association, Parenting NH, and Valley News.

One of the Collaborative’s founders, Carol Robidoux  of Manchester Ink Link, says the growth of the Collaborative means it is fulfilling its mission,  “You know the way we work now, we’re by ourselves. We don’t get to have these brainstorming sessions like you could in a newsroom. That is why we need this collaborative. This is where the best reporting and best ideas come from.”

Additionally, Citizens Count, a NH civic engagement nonprofit, is our newest community engagement partner.

“In the era of social media and “fake news,” it’s easy for people to be overwhelmed and disengage from what’s really going on in their state.  Together with the Granite State News Collaborative, we can reach audiences at the local level and demystify what’s going on in Concord, which is far more likely to impact daily life than what’s going on in Washington, D.C.,” says Anna Brown, director of research and analysis at Citizens Count.

Our other partners are: The Berlin Daily Sun, Business New Hampshire Magazine, The Eagle-Tribune, Franklin Pierce University, The Laconia Daily Sun, Manchester Ink Link, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Press Association, New Hampshire PBS, and  Seacoast Media Group.

The Collaborative’s community engagement partners also include Dartmouth Hitchcock, The Marlin Fitzwater Center at Franklin Pierce University, Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications, New Hampshire Listens at UNH’s Carsey School of Public Policy, Penmen Press at Southern New Hampshire University, The Pierce Arrow at FPU, Souhegan High School, and The Student Journalism Coalition.

For more information about Collaborative partners or how to join, please email melanie.plenda@collaborativenh.org.